If a loved one has sustained a brain injury you need to observe them for a few days to ensure that they have recovered completely. In any case, we stress and remind that a person who has sustained a brain injury avoid contact sports and riding bikes for a few days. Also, as they might be incapable of making decisions on their own, you need to decide about taking them to a doctor.

Symptoms to Watch For

If a loved one has sustained a brain injury you need to take them to a doctor if they vomit more than once, sleep longer than usual, one of their pupils is of a different size than the other, they are not able to move any of their limbs, if speech is slurred, or if they have amnesia. These are all symptomsthat point to traumatic brain injury and a doctor will need to assess the patient.

The next step would be learning more about our brain injury attorneys, contact Goldblatt and Associate, P.C. in Mohegan Lake, NY at our toll free number at 1.800.567.9888 or locally at 914.788.5000 to schedule a free consultation.