Help after a traumatic brain injury.

When an accident occurs that results, through no fault of one’s own or through the negligence of others, in a traumatic brain injury(TBI), what recourse does the injured have to help them move on while living life with a TBI? Suing for damages after a brain injury may not be high on the list of priorities for the injured or their family. Physical or occupational therapy is often the first priority after someone is injured in an accident, and this work may last weeks or months after the accident. That’s why it is important to team with a competent and experienced brain injury lawyer. They can navigate the process of determining liability and pursuing compensation, so the future for someone who has experienced a brain injury is brighter and more promising than they might otherwise experience.

Should I sue for my injuries?

The circumstances under which the injury was sustained has weight on what kind of liability can be established for the injury. Injuries experienced because of a motor vehicle crash or from and slip and fall may be judged differently than an injury experienced by a physical altercation or from intentional drug abuse. Brain injuries sustained during a medical procedure, like cerebral palsy, are most often handled as medical malpractice suits. Criminal penalties may also be due the injured if they suffered their injury during a crime being committed upon them.

What is due?

Many traumatic brain injuries require adjustments in life for the injured, and they present challenges beyond the ordinary when performing typical daily activities. Family members may be recruited into helping to care for or support an injured love one. Whether mild or profound, anyone injured in an accident by no fault of their own or through the negligence of others and has experienced a traumatic brain injury can find a friend in an experienced and knowledgeable brain injury lawyer like those here at Goldblatt & Associates.

In some states, the statute of limitations for suing after a traumatic brain injury can vary. Especially important is a provision to the law in some states that delays the clock ticking on the statute of limitations for a brain injury until after the injury has been diagnosed, not when the injury was sustained. This helps folks who may have been injured at one time but has not experienced symptoms or difficulties until months or years after being injured.

Navigating the legal waters after a traumatic brain injury is an important but often delayed or deferred process for anyone who has suffered a traumatic brain injury. But support and advocacy are available, and we at Goldblatt & Associates invite you to learn what recourse you have for your individual case. Do you need to speak with a legal professional about how a brain injury has affected you or a loved one? Reach out to Goldblatt & Associates. You can trust them to explain what your options are after a traumatic brain injury has occurred.