Physical therapists are skilled in treating acute back pain caused by disk herniation and other spinal injuries. The physical therapist can provide noninvasive therapies, such as ultrasound or diathermy to project heat deep into the tissues of the back or administer manual therapy, if mobility of the spine is impaired. They may help improve posture and develop an exercise program for recovery and long-term protection. Appropriate exercise can help take pressure off inflamed nerve structures, while improving overall posture and flexibility. Traction can be used to try to decrease pressure on the disk. A lumbar support can be helpful for a herniated disk at this level as a temporary measure to reduce pain and improve posture.
If you’re ready to talk to an injury attorney about your accident resulting in brain injury, spinal injury or neck injury, contact the New York orthopedic injury attorneys at Goldblatt & Associates, P.C. today. We serve accident victims in New York including New York City, Bronx, Brooklyn, Westchester and Putnam Counties, Albany, Syracuse, Rochester and Buffalo. We offer a free initial consultation, and receive no fee unless we are successful.