The orthopedic and brain injury lawyers at Goldblatt & Associates, P.C. utilize state-of-the-art technology inside the Courtroom in order to better demonstrate the depth and significance of a brain injury. Combined with expert testimony from medical professionals, engineers, and accident reconstructionists, our advanced courtroom technology not only strengthens TBI victims’ claims of negligence with scientific evidence but also provides jurors and judges clear, unmistakable proof of the existence of injuries that substantially impact the outcome of a case.

We believe in investing in technological innovations that ultimately assist our clients in their quest for justice and maximizing their recovery. Technological advances like 3-D Brain Imaging and Biomechanical Reconstruction assist juries in understanding complex issues and increase our client’s chances of securing the compensation your family needs to meet the needs of a brain injury victim.

To learn more about the courtroom technology for the orthopedic, spinal cord, or brain injury cases, contact the New York brain injury attorneys at Goldblatt and Associates to schedule a head injury consultation. We serve accident injury victims in New York City, Bronx, Brooklyn, Westchester and Putnam Counties, Albany, Syracuse, Rochester, and Buffalo. Contact us toll-free at 1-800-567-9888 or locally at 914-788-5000. We offer a free initial consultation and receive no fee unless we are successful.